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We’re Moving: FAQs

Got questions about the new space we talked about in our earlier post?Here are some key questions and answers. We’ll post more as we think of them. Q:  When is it that we start in the new space?March 17 will be the first service in the new space at 101 South...

Deacons: The Road Ahead

I remember taking driver’s ed. My teacher was an almost-retired assistant football coach with a pack-a-day habit (probably exaggerated by driver’s ed). I remember one time riding while another guy was driving. He hit a pothole and jerked the wheel. The car...

Deacons: Other Resources

The Elders of Exodus Church spent two years studying, praying, discussing and preparing this paper to communicate our understanding of the office of Deacon.  The following are some of the resources we used in this paper. John McArthur – Answering the Key Questions...

Deacon: I want to be one.

Expectations We expect those who would serve as deacons at Exodus Church to: Meet the qualifications listed in a previous post. Deacons must meet the biblical qualifications in order to serve at Exodus Church. Be faithful members of Exodus. Deacons are fulfilling the...

We’re Moving

Well, we aren’t exactly moving, but change is coming. You may have noticed that seating is at a premium at Exodus lately…we thank God for the growth! But, this does create some complications that need to be addressed with our current space.  And God has faithfully...

Deacons who are Family Men

In addition to the other qualifications for deacons in vv. 8-10, the following qualifications are given to those deacons who are married and to those who have children.  Both of these qualifications speak to the importance of a married man’s leadership in his home....