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Exodus began with a vision to reach people who are far from Jesus with the gospel of God’s grace. Our hope is to be a people centered on the gospel of Jesus who walk in community together and seek to follow Jesus on His mission.

God has been kind to us over the last 12 years as we have grown. We are grateful for all God has done in the last 12 years. And, we are hopeful that God will continue to do more than we could ever ask or imagine moving into the next chapter.


Mission & Values


Exodus Church seeks to be a redeemed people who worship and serve God in the world.


Exodus Church seeks to communicate the timeless truths of the Bible in a timely, accessible manner while seeking to multiply ministry throughout the Charlotte region and into the world.

Gospel Centrality

Jesus was sent to earth to forgive and save rebellious sinners like us. Any who place their faith in the finished work of Jesus can have new, abundant, and eternal life. This gospel is the best news on the planet. And this gospel is central to all we do at Sent Church.

Gospel: A Redeemed people

Redemption through the gospel of Jesus Christ is central.  Because of our actions, attitude and nature, we are in bondage and have been separated from God.  At Exodus, we proclaim, celebrate and participate in the redemption purchased by Jesus Christ for His people.

Community: A People

Community is crucial.  We are made to be in relationship with others.  Exodus Church seeks to be a community of those who are in bondage, those who desire to be free and those who have been freed.  All are welcomed and valued in the community at Exodus Church.  We do this through community groups scattered throughout our region that are welcoming, intentional and our primary place of care.

Worship: The Supremacy of Christ

We are made valuing something.  At Exodus Church, we practice and proclaim the reality that God alone is supremely valuable.  Our gathered worship is historically informed, God centered and seeks to connect to our context in a fresh relevant manner.  Our scattered worship is authentic, passionate and integrated into real life.

Mission: Serve Him in the World

Throughout the story of the Bible, God reveals himself as One who sends us into the world to display His goodness and love in ways that give Him glory.  We seek to serve God’s purposes locally, regionally and globally.


At Exodus, we are convinced that what we believe deeply affects how we live. For this reason, we want you to know what we believe as a church. This is not all that we believe, but these are the essential matters about which we agree as members of Exodus Church.

If you have more questions, please let us know.


God has always existed in perfection and glory as one God in three persons (the Trinity—Father, Son and Spirit). He has no needs or imperfections. God created and sustains all things by the word of His power. He is a good God who works all things together according to the counsel of His will for our good and His glory.

Hebrews 1:3, Ephesians 1:11, Romans 8:28

The Godhead

God has always existed in perfection and glory as one God in three persons (the Trinity—Father, Son and Spirit). He has no needs or imperfections. God created and sustains all things by the word of His power.(1) He is a good God who works all things together according to the counsel of His will for our good and His glory. (2)

1 Hebrews 1:3
2 Ephesians 1:11, Romans 8:28


This good and gracious God has chosen to communicate with us. He reveals Himself in the creation to display His existence and power.(1) He has ultimately revealed himself in Jesus—God become man.(2) Also, God has been so good to us to also communicate to us through the Bible—the word of God in the words of men. We believe the Bible to be inspired, infallible and authoritative.(3)

1 Romans 1:19
2 John 1:1, 14
3 2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:19–21


God who existed in perfect fellowship with Himself has created a universe to display the panorama of His power, creativity and might. In the beauty, design and intricacies of the world, we see His splendor.(1) In this creation, God created a man named Adam to be the representative for humanity.

He also made Eve to be his helper.(2) We believe that man and woman are equally made in the image of God, to know Him and represent Him in the world.(3)

We also believe that God has created males and females with distinct gifts, tendencies and callings. Both are precious and valuable in His creation. And God called His creation—very good.

1 Psalm 19:1
2 Genesis 2:18–25
3 Genesis 1:26–28

The Fall

Adam, as our representative, chose to disobey God rather that to submit to His authority.(1) In doing this, he brought sin and death into the world. Because of his act, the whole world was affected. All humanity is born with an inclination toward sin.(2) Every part of who we are is now tainted with a rebellious alienation that drives us from God. The creation was affected as well causing disease and death.(3)

However, God did not desert Adam. There were consequences for his sinfulness, but God was faithful to Adam. He also promised that there would be a Deliverer to come.(4) Throughout the rest of the Old Testament, we are told about this Deliverer who would come to free the people from their sins.(5) We see pictures of this deliverance in the Exodus story, the kingship of David, and the prophets, until, in the fullness of time, God sent His Son to make all things new.(6)

1 Genesis 3:1–7, Romans 5
2 Ephesians 2:1–3
3 Romans 8:18–25
4 Genesis 3:15
5 Isaiah 53
6 Galatians 4:4–7

The Deliverer

The story of God’s deliverance culminates with Jesus—God who became a man.(1) He was born to a virgin named Mary,(2) lived a perfect life of obedience to God,(3) died a horrible death on the Cross in our place for our sin, was buried and raised bodily to new life.(4) He ascended into heaven and will one day return. The delivering work of Jesus is a work of grace alone by Christ alone and can be received by anyone who confesses and repents of sin, expresses true faith in Jesus and submits to Him as the Lord of their lives.(5)

1 Philippians 2:5–11
2 Luke 1:26–38
3 2 Corinthians 5:21
4 1 Corinthians 15:1–4
5 Ephesians 2:8–10, Romans 10:9–10

The Helper

After Jesus ascended, The Bible tells us that he sent a Helper (1)—The Holy Spirit. He is God (co-equal in power and existence) and personal (not a force). His work is essential in lost and sinful people embracing the delivering work of Jesus. As the Helper, the Holy Spirit helps those who have embraced the work of Jesus understand God’s Word, empowers them to live in obedience to the commands of God and keeps them until the day of Jesus’ return.

1 John 16:7

The Church

Those who have been delivered by the work of Jesus comprise the Church universal—a people from every tribe, tongue and nation.(1) The local church is to be a testimony of the power of Jesus in the community.(2) The Church is to be led by qualified men called Elders who equip the members of the Church for the work of ministry.(3) We practice the ordinances of the church: believer’s baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

1 Acts 20:28
2 Ephesians 3:9
3 Ephesians 4:11–17, 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1

The Mission

Before Jesus ascended, he gave a commission to His Church. The Church is to live in the world as Jesus lived in the world.(1) The Church is to make disciples who make disciples.(2) The Church is to take the gospel to the ends of the earth in fulfillment of the commands of Jesus.(3)

At Exodus, we believe that this is our mission as a church and as individuals who comprise the church.(4)

1 John 20:19
2 Matthew 28:18–20
3 Acts 1:8
4 1 Peter 4:10–11

The Return

After Jesus gave his commission in Acts, He ascended into heaven with a promise that He will return.(1) He will receive His Bride to be with Him and He will make all things new. Because Jesus said that no one knows when that will be, we choose to have diversity in our understanding of the exact timing and manner in which Jesus will return.(2) We do agree that Jesus wins and it’s best to be on His team when He returns.(3)

1 Acts 1:8–11
2 Matthew 24:36
3 Revelation 19



Brian Lowe

Brian Lowe

Lead Pastor

Tyler Boyette

Tyler Boyette

Pastor of Discipleship & Development

Kevin Weisman

Kevin Weisman

Pastor of Operations

Damon Murray

Damon Murray

Pastor of Care & Counseling

Brandon Lovelace

Brandon Lovelace

Pastor of Worship

Thomas Griffin

Thomas Griffin


Brian Nettles

Brian Nettles


Jeff Shook

Jeff Shook



Rebecca Adams

Rebecca Adams

Communications Coordinator

Amy Alley

Amy Alley

Connections Coordinator

Kirk Brown

Kirk Brown

Creative Director

Josh Grotke

Josh Grotke

Students Director

Abigail Harris

Abigail Harris

Worship Ministry Assistant

Lauren Harris

Lauren Harris

Family Ministries Assistant

Scott Harris

Scott Harris

Facilities Director

Jocelyn jones

Jocelyn jones

Childcare Coordinator

Brittany Kahler

Brittany Kahler

Discipleship Ministry Assistant

Andrea Noles

Andrea Noles

Mobilization Coordinator

Abby Perdew

Abby Perdew

Care & Counseling Ministry Assistant

Jada Runkle

Jada Runkle

Women's Coordinator

Alison Smart

Alison Smart

Financial & Office Coordinator

Cassie Taylor

Cassie Taylor

Kids Director


From the beginning of Exodus Church, our goal has been to financially support, fervently pray for, and effectively begin new churches. In recent years, 13% of our offerings have been given to support other planters in the US and around the world. Church planting is an important part of what makes us Exodus and will always be a high priority.

Please pray for the following churches that we support:


Rooted Church
Royal Oak, MI


King’s Table Church
Raleigh, NC


Epiphany Church
Gloucester City, NJ


Reconcile Community Church
Greenville, SC


Strong Tower at Washington Park
Montgomery, AL


Ryan Claytor (Oasis Rest International)
Gastonia, NC


Well Church
Americus, GA


Vertical Church
Orlando, FL


Casa De Gracia


Church in Hard Places
Côte d’Ivoire, Africa


Redeemer Church of Dubai
United Arab Emirates


Rescue Mission Church

Domestic Partners

Rooted church – Royal Oak, MI

Epiphany Church – Gloucester City, NJ

King’s Table Church – Raleigh, NC

Reconcile Community Church – Greenville, SC

Strong Tower at Washington Park – Montgomery, AL



International Partners

Casa de Gracia – Guatemala

Redeemer Church of Dubai – United Arab Emirates

Rescue Mission Church – Colombia

Church in Hard Places – Africa

Ryan Claytor (Oasis Rest International) – Gastonia, NC


Along with partnering and supporting other churches, our prayer is to plant churches; to be a church-planting church. To help accomplish this goal, we began an onsite residency program for church planters and pastors called The Orchard Initiative. The Orchard Initiative is how Exodus seeks to train, develop, and launch pastors and planters to lead faithful and fruitful churches.

Sunday Gatherings: 8a*, 9:30a**, 11a**
6325 Wilkinson Blvd, Belmont, NC 28012

*Exodus Kids Available 6mos-4yrs
**Exodus Kids Available 6mos-5th Grade


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