Exodus Students exists to make disciples of our students, who are then able to go and make disciples of others.
We want our students to own their role and responsibility in the church rather than seeing the church just as something their parents do; their time is now and they are the church.
We want them to make friends and have fun.
God has always existed in perfection and glory as one God in three persons (the Trinity—Father, Son and Spirit). He has no needs or imperfections. God created and sustains all things by the word of His power. He is a good God who works all things together according to the counsel of His will for our good and His glory.
Hebrews 1:3, Ephesians 1:11, Romans 8:28
What is Exodus Students about?
We want to make disciples. Our goal with ExodusStudents is to make disciples of Jesus who are able to then make disciples also. Life is too short and Jesus is too important for this not to be the primary focus of ExodusStudents.
We want our students to be the Church. Rather than students seeing Exodus as something their parents are doing, we want students to understand that the time is now. And the Church is you. Our hope is that students would see Exodus as their church, that they would serve and participate in the church as a vital part of God’s mission here.
We want to have lots of fun. God is not opposed to fun and neither are we. Our goal is for students to enjoy being together and develop life long friendships that push them toward Jesus.
Who leads Exodus Students?
Josh Grotke is giving leadership to this program for middle and high school students. If you have a student in this age group in your home, contact Josh for more information at josh.grotke@theexoduschurch.org
What does Exodus Students look like?
ExodusStudents are in grades 6 through 12. We meet weekly on Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 8:30 at the Student Space entrance behind the Exodus Mill at 6325 Wilkinson Blvd Belmont, NC. In our meetings, we seek to accomplish the three goals for ExodusStudents as noted above. We study the sermon series and enjoy a time of fellowship and prayer. In addition to our weekly meeting, we periodically get together for special activities and seek missions opportunities.
Students Calendar
Upcoming Events
Sunday Gatherings: 8a*, 9:30a**, 11a**
6325 Wilkinson Blvd, Belmont, NC 28012