Exodus Men seeks to develop men to be sacrificial servant leaders for the home, the church, and the world.
God has always existed in perfection and glory as one God in three persons (the Trinity—Father, Son and Spirit). He has no needs or imperfections. God created and sustains all things by the word of His power. He is a good God who works all things together according to the counsel of His will for our good and His glory.
Hebrews 1:3, Ephesians 1:11, Romans 8:28
Bible Study
The Exodus Men ministry launched the T214 program in 2022. T214 is a one-year discipleship intensive that seeks to grow your character, faith, and calling by refocusing your life around God and His mission in the world. The program includes daily Bible reading and prayer as well as monthly in-person meetings, and you’ll be part of a small group that you can connect with.
For more information on T214, go to exodusmen.com/t214
Quarterly Events
We will hold large events at least once per quarter:
• Socials geared towards deepening relationships and simply having fun with one another.
• Topical discussions that could range from Finances and Family Fun to Date Nights and Leadership.
• Community outreach
We will follow God’s call to discipleship by:
• Teaching men how to invest in each other as well as the next generation
• Providing a framework to facilitate this in a healthy, sustainable & Christ centered way
• Creating a culture of ownership & accountability
Upcoming Events
Sunday Gatherings: 8a*, 9:30a**, 11a**
6325 Wilkinson Blvd, Belmont, NC 28012