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Exodus Stretch: Stretched as a Family

Through the Stretch Campaign, Exodus is seeking to raise money for our facility needs. We know that this will be a financial stretch and a faith stretch as we trust God to stretch out his hand to provide for our needs. But, this will also be a stretch for our church...

Exodus Stretch: What if I can’t give much?

Through the Stretch Campaign, Exodus is seeking to raise money for our facility needs. We know that this will be a financial stretch and a faith stretch as we trust God to stretch out His hand to provide for our needs. However, I know that some of our Exodus family...

Resources for Advent

Throughout Advent, we encourage you to make this time on the calendar one in which you focus on Christ who came to earth as a baby to give us meaning and hope in this life, and the promise of eternal life to come. There are several resources that might be helpful to...


by Brian Lowe… On November 2, I preached about the call on husbands to a headship that loves and sacrifices so that wives can flourish. One of the things I briefly mentioned was honoring our wife with our planning. Specifically, I talked about planning for...