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Exodus Stretch: What if I can give a lot?

Through the Stretch Campaign, Exodus is seeking to raise money for our facility needs. We know that this will be a financial stretch and a faith stretch as we trust God to stretch out His hand to provide for our needs. In a previous post, I answered the question “What...

Exodus Stretch: Prepare for March 1

Throughout the month of February, you have been hearing about the Stretch Campaign. Through the Stretch Campaign, Exodus is seeking to raise money for our facility needs. Our goal is to raise $500,000 through the end of 2015. We know that this will stretch us as a...

Equal Sacrifice, Not Equal Giving

Through the Stretch Campaign, Exodus is seeking to raise $500,000 for our facility needs. We know that this will be a financial stretch and a faith stretch as we trust God to stretch out His hand to provide for our needs. In a recent conversation with a friend, we...

Exodus Stretch: Stretched as a Family

Through the Stretch Campaign, Exodus is seeking to raise money for our facility needs. We know that this will be a financial stretch and a faith stretch as we trust God to stretch out his hand to provide for our needs. But, this will also be a stretch for our church...

Women’s Retreat 2015: ENOUGH

Exodus Women’s Retreat:  ENOUGH Most of us, whether we say it out loud or not, live with this nagging fear that we are not enough. We often feel like we can’t pray enough, give enough, love enough, work hard enough or are simply not good enough. But we CAN trust...

Exodus Stretch: What if I can’t give much?

Through the Stretch Campaign, Exodus is seeking to raise money for our facility needs. We know that this will be a financial stretch and a faith stretch as we trust God to stretch out His hand to provide for our needs. However, I know that some of our Exodus family...