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Holy Contentment

by | Nov 23, 2012 | News

Consumerism can be a regular struggle for us westerners.   Even in our economic trial it seems that the capacity to spend and consume lingers on. Outside of God’s grace,  the struggle to reject immediate pleasures would be bleak.   The Gospel is an invitation to satisfy our souls with some things that are already available to us and some that are not yet realized.   For those in Christ – we have the power of God working in us and ministering to our needs now.  We also have the hope of our faith becoming sight when we experience the new heaven and new earth.  Unfortunately, it can become easy to ignore the promises of God’s word.  Because of our own sinful tendencies, and the enemy who is seeking to destroy us, many of us will be tempted this week to spend money in an unhealthy way. Making purchases, that will leave us feeling more empty than we did before black Friday.    Spending money on others can be a great thing.   But before we hit the mall, or go e-shopping this season.   Let’s consider the Gospel and allow God to search our hearts.


Am I satisfied with the Gift of Christ – Emmanuel in my life?

Is God enough for me?  Would I be disappointed if all we had this year was Christ?

Does making purchases in a store make me feel a certain way?  Am I finding comfort in the acquiring of things?

Does my gift buying reflect my income?  It doesn’t make you a scrooge if you choose to avoid debt like the plague- even during the holidays.

What difference does the truth of the Gospel make in the way you make purchases and spend money?

While reading these questions did you feel a need to justify yourself?


The good news of the gospel is that with our acknowledgement of sin – God is quick to abound in mercy.   As we begin to see that Christ had to die to purchase our pardon for this idolatry – our desires change because of a love for Him.


This prayer from the book “C.H. Spurgeon’s prayers” seems appropriate for us to pray as a people who are surrounded by the discontent that only Christ can fill.


“Oh! keep us. Lord.

This life is full of trial

There are many that are perplexed about temporary things.

Let not the enemy lead them to do or think aught that is amiss, because of the     straitness of supply.

Others are blessed with

Lord, let it not be a curse to them.

Let them know how to abound as well as to suffer loss.

In all things may they be instructed to glorify God,

not only with all they are,

but with all they have,

and even with all they have not,

by a holy contentment to do without that

which it doth not please Thee to bestow.”

– Charles Spurgeon



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