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Gospel Romance: Robertson McQuilkin

by | Feb 10, 2014 | Blog

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At the Gospel Romance Conference, I shared a little about the life and story of Robertson McQuilkin. His life of glad sacrifice and surrender gives us a picture of Christ’s Love for His Bride. Robertson would be the first to tell you that he is not a perfect reflection. However, his story of care for his wife is moving.

The following are some articles that will help you get a sense of this man’s story. I pray that he encourages you to be more like Jesus.

Again, His story has greatly stirred me to think long term about our marriage and our call to love one another til death do us part. I was reminded that even today as I celebrate 18 years with my wife, we still have such a long life to live together (Lord Willing). I want to love her more decades from now than I do today.

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