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Slavery and the Bible

On Sunday, we looked at 1 Timothy 6:1-2 which talks about bondservants and masters.  Texts like this can be really hard to understand and apply to our current contexts.  These texts can also make us questions whether the Bible should be believed at all.  Why should I...

Money: A House Rules Mini-Series

Since January, we have been in a series called House Rules: A Study of 1 Timothy.  In this letter, Paul writes to a young pastor in a difficult church.  Unfaithful Men are leading the church in a wrong direction.  Unspritual Women are trying to take over.  Prayer has...

Three Things for Exodus

I hope that you are aware of how blessed we are as a church.  Hearing from David Keen last Sunday while being led in worship by Jeremy LeFevers and the team reminded me of how blessed we are and the level of gratitude that should erupt from our hearts for God’s...

Guest: Elliot Grudem

On Sunday, Elliot Grudem will be preaching from 1 Timothy 5:17-24 in our House Rules series.  His topic will be “Honoring Leaders”.  I asked Elliot to preach this passage for two reasons.  First, Elliot loves Jesus and the Church.  We can be certain that...

A Culture of Honoring

Outdo one another in showing honor. Romans 12:10 On Sunday March 24, our security team stood in the cold rain setting up a tent so others wouldn’t get wet, helping people across the street and making sure that our kids were safe.  As I walked past them to get my...

Prepare for Worship April 7

This Sunday Jeremy Lefevers and Alex Kneen will be leading us in gathered worship.    Please pray for them and for our time that we will be together.   You can prepare by singing and praying through these songs ahead of time.   Happy Day What A Savior My God my...