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Martin Lloyd Jones on Forgiveness

On Sunday, we explored the importance of initial and ongoing forgiveness in the pursuit of emotional and relational healing.  Corrie Ten Boom struggled with this as most of us will from time to time.  In my study, I found the following quote from Martin Lloyd Jones to...

Prepare for our Gathering July 28

We are excited to say that Exodus Church Northlake will be launching their first preview service this week.   Please be praying for their worship service.    Pray for David as he prepares to preach.  Pray for Joel as he will be leading in worship.     The families...

Praying for Echelon

For some time, Exodus has been partnering with Echelon: Africa through prayer and financial assistance with the goal of increasing our physical presence with them as soon as possible.  Echelon is a church planting team centered in the north east corner of Uganda with...

Men as Deacons

Exodus is in the process of appointing Deacons who will serve Jesus by assisting the elders to accomplish the mission of the Church.  We are really excited about this and looking forward to the men and women God has for us in these roles. As I engage with men who are...

Seeing as a Guest

By Nathan Chapman… How long has it been since you were someone else’s guest? Try to remember that right now. There have been many new faces at Exodus in the past several weeks. We typically experience an influx of people towards the second half of summer....

Prepare for Our Gathering July 21st

At Exodus we are blessed with many different talents brought to the church ready to be shared for God’s glory. This Sunday, Exodus’ summer intern, Kirk Brown, will be leading us in worship. Please join us in praying for Kirk and our time gathered together....