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Exodus Men, Part 3

By Brian Lowe In a previous post, we looked at the king from Jonah 3 and his example of repentant leadership for those he was entrusted to lead. I asked, “What would it look like for men to assume this kind of posture in the way they lead in their various spheres of...

Exodus Men, Part 2

by Brian Lowe In a previous post, we asked the question, “what would it look like for men to walk in humble repentance before God and toward those they were entrusted to lead?” This kind of leadership is needed in every sphere, but most definitely in our churches and...

Exodus Men

By Brian Lowe On Sunday, we looked at Jonah 3. In the story, we see Jonah’s second chance at obedience and God’s kindness toward a people. But, we also see something striking in the response of the king of an evil city to the message of God’s...