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Women as Deacons

Exodus is in the process of appointing Deacons who will serve Jesus by assisting the elders to accomplish the mission of the Church.  In a previous post, I wrote about two primary concerns our men have:  Time and Responsibility.  While I have heard the same concerns...

Men as Deacons

Exodus is in the process of appointing Deacons who will serve Jesus by assisting the elders to accomplish the mission of the Church.  We are really excited about this and looking forward to the men and women God has for us in these roles. As I engage with men who are...

The Most-Said Word in the Church

A guest post by Aaron Wilson… Do you know what the most frequently used word is in a Christian’s vocabulary?  It’s not what you’d first guess, a word like faith, hope or love.  In fact, even though it’s a word you’ll likely recite over 74,000 times in your life,...

Does God Change His Mind?

A guest post by Bubba Hines In our study of Jonah, we see God speak of judging the Ninevites. When they repent, we see God’s mercy and grace abound as He withholds that judgment. This provides the opportunity to ask the question, “Does God change His mind?” If you...

Sovereignty & Responsibility

One of the things many struggle to grasp is how divine sovereignty and human responsibility go together.  How can God be in control of the world while at the same time we make choices that we are responsible for?  This question continues to baffle minds and hearts. We...