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Whose Kingdom?

This Sunday, we looked at James 4 and the heart of conflict.  In his book What Did You Expect?  Paul Tripp discusses the damage that our own declarations of sovereignty can have in our marriages. He writes… “All of the horizontal battles are the fruit of a deeper war....

“Works” is Not a Bad Word

Aaron Wilson is an Exodus Church member who is writing his first book titled, God is NOT a God of Second Chances…and Other Good News from the Gospel. The following is an excerpt from his book, releasing early 2014. 100% of the royalties from this book will be...

Not for Superman

I’m not sure when this started for me, but it’s been hard to shake reading the longest chapter in the Bible incorrectly. Psalm 119 is the longest of the psalms and celebrates the importance of God’s Word. There are 22 stanzas written around a letter...