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Hard Words

Hard Words

Have you ever talked to someone, or read something, and a word was used that you didn’t know or understand how it fit in the context? Did you ask clarifying questions, do some research, or did you let it go? What if this happens when you are reading your Bible? As we...
Ephesians: “The Mystery of the Gospel” – Intro Blog

Ephesians: “The Mystery of the Gospel” – Intro Blog

Our prayer for this series is that Exodus would know and experience the mystery of the gospel so that every part of our lives serves as both a declaration and demonstration of this eternal mystery that changes everything. Ephesians is a circular letter written by Paul...
“Exiled” Resources: Study Resources

“Exiled” Resources: Study Resources

We are in the midst of our Exiled Series. You can read more about what we have covered and where we are headed here. Daniel is a challenging book so we thought it would be helpful to provide some resources to help you if you have questions about the book. Here are...
Praying for Healing

Praying for Healing

Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the...
Work as Humble Faithfulness

Work as Humble Faithfulness

We are in the midst of Exiled: A Study of the Book of Daniel. Our hope is to learn to live as exiles with a courageous faithfulness that declares and demonstrates the goodness of God. One of the reasons we wanted to follow our Acts series with this series on Daniel is...
“EXILED” Resources: Church & Culture

“EXILED” Resources: Church & Culture

This past weekend, we started a new series on the book of Daniel. You can read more about where we are headed here. Daniel is a challenging book so we thought it would be helpful to provide some resources to help you if you have questions about the book. We will be...