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Work as Humble Faithfulness

Work as Humble Faithfulness

We are in the midst of Exiled: A Study of the Book of Daniel. Our hope is to learn to live as exiles with a courageous faithfulness that declares and demonstrates the goodness of God. One of the reasons we wanted to follow our Acts series with this series on Daniel is...
Intern at Exodus

Intern at Exodus

Exodus Church is seeking an intern, typically a high school or college student who is interested in serving in a ministry field. Ministry interns are committed to pursuing ministry within the local church and growing as ministry leaders. These are the criteria we as a...
Elder Candidate: David Kneen

Elder Candidate: David Kneen

One of the weightiest tasks we have as elders at Exodus Church – Belmont is the recommendation of new elder candidates For this reason, we have a lengthy process to help men examine their lives and their doctrine closely. We want to make sure that the men we...
Legacy Churches

Legacy Churches

We started Exodus Church in 2009 with 30 adults and 15 children and a dream that we could be a redeemed people who worship and serve God in the world—both locally and globally. God has been kind, and we are still here. One of Jesus’ promises that has encouraged us...
Why Others Preach At Exodus?

Why Others Preach At Exodus?

As the Lead Pastor of Exodus, I preach most Sundays and give direction to the preaching calendar that we follow. On occasion, I will worship with Exodus without preaching and often I’ll get questions. So, I wanted to answer the primary question, “Why do others preach...


Leaders, of any sort, will deal with criticism from people they are entrusted to lead and serve. Regardless of your title or the context in which you lead, you can be confident that there will be some under your influence and guidance that have things that they want...