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Scriptures Fulfilled

Scriptures Fulfilled

JOHN 19:16-37 A mentor once told me that one of the most effective ways to communicate a message is to first tell your audience what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them. Imagine my surprise when I noticed this pattern in...
Love One Another

Love One Another

JOHN 13:31-35 We speak frequently of the Ten Commandments’ contents, but how often do we consider what the Lord didn’t say to Moses on that day? In the original list given on Mt. Sinai, the Lord never directly instructs that we love. It’s implied in the commandments’...
New International Partner: Casa De Gracia

New International Partner: Casa De Gracia

We are happy to announce that Exodus Church has chosen a new international mission partner. Casa de Gracia was planted in 2016 in the city of Palin, Guatemala, which is about an hour southwest of Guatemala City. The planting pastor, Walter Joloń, held a full-time job...
Praying for Exodus: Follow God’s Wisdom

Praying for Exodus: Follow God’s Wisdom

As a redeemed people, we are called to pray. As those who worship and serve Him in the world, we must pray. Praying for Exodus will help us pray through 10 important areas for Exodus Church. Each month, we will post the guiding prayer, prayer requests and resources to...
180 Weekend 2018 – February 2-4

180 Weekend 2018 – February 2-4

  ExodusStudents will be participating in 180 Weekend again this year on February 2 and 3. This is a great opportunity for students, grades 6 to 12, to dive deep into the word, participate in large worship gatherings, and get to know each other throughout the...