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Stay Close

In 2008, we took our kids to Walt Disney World. We had a blast except for about 15 minutes that felt like 15 days. One afternoon, as we walked through Tomorrow Land, it started raining. We all put on our Disney ponchos, committed to enjoying our magical time despite...

Mark Devotional Guide Writers

A few months ago, the leadership at Exodus had a great idea. Let’s have some of our own people write a devotional guide for our Mark series! The search began for people strong in faith, knowledgeable about the Bible, and who had a gift to share their Holy...

Advent Reading 4, The counselor

Candle lighter Christmas is supposed to be a time to proclaim peace on earth. When we stop to think about it, peace on earth seems so abstract and completely out of our reach. Peace, where everyone lives in harmony and the world is united. During advent, we remember...