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Praying For Exodus: Trust God’s Heart

by | Sep 7, 2017 | Blog, Community, Mission, Redemption, Worship

As a redeemed people, we are called to pray. As those who worship and serve Him in the world, we must pray.

Praying for Exodus will help us pray through 10 important areas for Exodus Church. Each month, we will post the guiding prayer, prayer requests and resources to encourage our prayer.

Please join us in praying to a God who hears our growing and remembers his covenant (Exodus 2). We are trusting Him to do great things.

Trust God’s Heart

3 Things to Pray for…

-To provide for what we need.
-To hear our prayers and heal our hearts, relationships and communities
-To know both what is best and when is best.

If you would like to learn more about the praying for exodus initiative and how to better understand why we do this, we encourage you to check out the past resources below.

Blog: Click Here
Sermon: Click Here

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