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Pray for our Worship Teams

by | Jan 10, 2014 | News

As we were leaving from Advent Choir practice in December, my daughter said, “Dad, I really have a new appreciation for what the worship team does every week. That was a lot of work.” She was right.

Be Grateful

In keeping with a culture of honor, our worship teams are top notch and they work hard to lead us in worship each week. I’ve had visiting pastors ask me before how much we pay our musicians. We are more than blessed by them week in and out. This is due in large part to Nathan Chapman ‘s leadership and development of this ministry as well as the sacrificial time that the teams spend in practice every week.

We should be grateful for them and express that to them. Send a note of encouragement to someone you know that is involved. Participate on Sundays with energy (this is particularly encouraging). Pray for their families as they are away as well. Maybe a note of thanks to them for the sacrifices made so that we can be led in worship.

Please Pray

This weekend, our worship teams will be going on a retreat to focus their hearts on worship of God, hone their skills for better performance and enjoy some time with one another. Please pray for them on Friday and Saturday while they are away.

We are blessed more than we know by our worship teams. Let’s encourage them as they encourage us.

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