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Journey Companions: Adoption

by | Mar 14, 2017 | Blog

Adoption begins with brokenness. There is pain and grief. There is loss and mourning. Everyone involved in the adoption is affected.

When there is brokenness, there is a chance at healing and hope, but only if a way is provided. God delights in giving us hope. He loves to redeem. He is a Father who adopts.

When we watch God work out redemption in a person’s life, we are in awe and we praise Him for who He is and how He works.

God’s redemption in someone’s world is internalized into hope for our own life. Through God’s work of spiritual and physical adoption, the worthiness of God glistens brilliantly before us and we want to approach more closely to Him, His hope, and His love.

We have a chance to be part of inspiring others toward wonder and awe of God when we allow Him to use us in the lives of the “least of these.” Some of you might feel called to be the vessel through which God redeems a little one in our world. You may even be on the path to finding out how to do this.

Because adoption gleams with the light of God’s glory, the evil one often makes adoption seem too overwhelming and scary to attempt. Please do not be intimidated by the possibilities of what God can do through you for a child in need. You can do this in His strength and we are here to help.

At Exodus, there is a group of moms called Journey Companions who are here for you on your journey to follow God’s will for growing your family. Some of us in the group have seen God bless us with children through adoption. Journey Companions is here to help you find your footing on your journey, to be a voice of encouragement on days filled with doubt, and to offer practical wisdom from our own adoption journeys.

We are not experts, but simply Jesus followers that happen to be moms who have walked the road you are on and understand what it can be like.

If you are an expectant mom via adoption, one of our experienced adoptive moms can be the person you text when you feel like the paperwork might grow to overtake your table and your life. She will be there when you feel like you cannot stand the wait.

She can also be the person you tell when you hear the awesome news, and the person who brings you a hot meal when you are functioning on less sleep than you thought was humanly possible. Our desire is to support you in your obedience to God’s moving in your life throughout your adoption journey (before, during, and for a time after the placement and adoption).

If you are pursuing adoption, we would love to help to support you, your family, and your God-directed decision. We do not want you to have to pursue this on your own. You were made for community and our church is so much of that community.

If you are just starting your adoption journey or are well down the path, please let us know so you can be paired with a mom that has been there who can pray for you and walk the road with you. In a world that often rejects children in despair, let’s allow God to use our stories to put a magnifying glass on Him and His redemptive hope!

“Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together!” Psalm 34:3

To find out more please contact: companions@theexoduschurch.org

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