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by | May 2, 2012 | News

I have never been more grateful to serve Jesus in His Church.  Exodus, God’s Word encourages you to make leading a joy for your pastors (Hebrews 13:17) and by God’s grace you do this faithfully.  For that, we (the elders) are exceedingly grateful.  Here are some reasons for gratitude this week…

Leadership Summit
What a joy to gather to remember God’s faithfulness and pray for his blessing.  I hope you were as encouraged as I by our time together.
Easter Offering for Church Planting
Thank you for your generosity and support for church planting.  Almost $3000 was given to support the work of the Kingdom through David and Jordan.  We should celebrate this.  This happens because God has been generous to us in Jesus.
Caring Community
I hear story after story of our people serving one another.  Whether that’s a meal after a baby or walking with someone through the struggle of illness in family, our church cares for one another.  That happens because God has cared for us in Jesus.
Sacrificially Serving
There are two groups that I want to highlight this week.
  • Ben Hoersch wrapped up the first semester of Money:  Faithfully handling what God has graciously provided.  It’s a study group/financial counseling class.  What a joy to hear of God’s faithfulness and grace in this class.  If you were in the class, please express your gratitude to Ben.  If you want to be, the next round is coming in the Fall.
  • Aaron and Elle Painter lead the Postpardum Depression Team.  These couples serve new parents and assist as needed in areas of PPD.  We are super grateful for them and their frontline ministry with new parents.  If you have been served by them, you should share that with them.  It would encourage them greatly.
We should celebrate the faithfulness of our people to serve.  That happens because God has been faithful in Jesus.
We have much to create gratitude in our hearts.  This weekend, we will wrap up our study of Colossians.  I hope to see you there as we celebrate Jesus as Lord over every inch of the universe.
I love you more than you know…
Brian Lowe
Lead Pastor
PS.  Next Steps is this weekend. Pray for those who will attend.

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