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Five Reasons Why Eight is Great

by | Jan 5, 2017 | Blog

At the start of 2016, Exodus expanded to three services: 8am, 9:30am, and 11am. For most of us, getting up early on the weekends is hard, especially if it is on the days we can get a few extra moments of sleep. However, because we continue to grow, we are in need of more attendees at the 8am service.

Here are Five Reasons Why Eight is Great:

1. Free Seating

Sure, you don’t have to pay for seats in any of our services, but that doesn’t mean there sometimes isn’t a cost: guests without one. If you have attended any services recently at 9:30 and 11, you notice they get a little crowded – leaving new attendees either without a seat or having to be a stranger’s shoulder buddy. As much as we want to be loving neighbors, this is not the experience we want to give our first-time guests.

Coming to the 8am service allows you to give up your seat for someone else in the later, more crowded, services. EIGHT IS GREAT!

2. Lunch Dibs

Once a week, there is a certain time that waiters and waitresses around the south consider to be their workout for the week, and it’s called: “The Church Rush.” Depending on the area, this time lasts between 11:30am-1:30pm, and if you don’t have a reservation, you will more than likely be joining a bunch of other “hangry” church-goers who are having to wait 30-45 extra minutes just to sit at a table. This can get scary.

So, if you come to the 8am service, you can be first at any restaurant and beat the dreaded Church Rush. EIGHT IS GREAT!

3. Make The Most Of The Day

If you or your kids wake you up early, why not go ahead and come to church early?  You’ll have the rest of the day to find some sabbath in some other way, like going for a hike, taking a walk in the park, and even kayaking. EIGHT IS GREAT!

4. Nap Time

Along with most adults, children love a good Sunday nap. So much so, they usually can’t wait until the time comes and have no problem with letting you in on their secret.

If you come to the 8am service, you can get your child home for their nap before they whisper in your ear that they are ready for it. EIGHT IS GREAT!

5. More Serving Opportunities

Just like volleyball, serving is needed at Exodus. We would not be where we are today without our wonderful volunteers who spend their time each week utilizing their gifts for His kingdom. Let’s say you really want to go to the 8am but you want to meet new faces at the other services.

Well, if you attend the 8am service, you have a lot more opportunities to serve our guests. Besides giving up your seat, you can serve new guests at the 9:30 and 11 by greeting them, watching after their kids, or working on the security team making sure everything is going smoothly. EIGHT IS GREAT!

Also, since we don’t offer Exodus Kids for 5 years and older in the 8am worship service, eight is great if you don’t have a need for Exodus Kids anyway. EIGHT IS GREAT!

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