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Exodus Stretch: What if I can give a lot?

by | Feb 25, 2015 | Blog, Money

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Through the Stretch Campaign, Exodus is seeking to raise money for our facility needs. We know that this will be a financial stretch and a faith stretch as we trust God to stretch out His hand to provide for our needs.

In a previous post, I answered the question “What if I can’t give very much?” This post will deal with the other end of the spectrum, “What if I can give a lot?”

I want to say a few things if that’s you. 

  1. We love that you are a part of Exodus Church and are incredibly grateful for you. You are a valuable part of our Exodus family regardless of how much you are able to give.
  2. We want you to walk in humility. Money doesn’t buy votes or influence at Exodus. God is not impressed (nor are the leaders of this church) by the amount of money a person gives. Please don’t let the evil one sow pride or arrogance in your heart because of what you are able to give to the Stretch Campaign. What do you have that you did not receive from the Lord? Don’t be haughty because God has blessed you with material wealth.
  3. We want you to hope in God not your money. One of the dangers for people of means is that they begin to think that their hope is their money rather than God and His provision. Paul tells Timothy to charge wealthy people not to set their hope on the uncertainty of riches. All of your money could be gone tomorrow.
  4. We want to challenge everyone to give sacrificially. Our challenge during Stretch is not for everyone to give equally, but for everyone to sacrifice. Because you have wealth, you could give a lot more than others without sacrificing. However, if you do that, you will miss the blessing of sacrificial giving. We want to call you to sacrifice for the sake of the mission of Jesus at Exodus Church. So, give sacrificially.

I’m grateful for how God is going to stretch us through this campaign. He has amazing things to teach us. I’m excited to hear about them.

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