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Vacation Time

Summer’s here.  It’s an awesome time to get away with friends and family to recharge and get some much needed rest.  I hope that you have some of this planned over the next few month and that it’s all it should be for you and your family. Last year,...

Prepare for Our Gathering June 9 2013

A great way to prepare for worship is to sing through these songs with your family and pray through the scriptures that we will be focusing on during our gathered time on Sunday. Call to Worship Reading Psalm 139:1-12 “O Lord, you have searched me and known...

Prepare for Our Gathering May 26

A great way to prepare for worship is to sing through these songs with your family and pray through the scriptures that we will be focusing on during our gathered time on Sunday. Call to Worship Calling our eyes to be opened to God’s grace, we will be singing...

Prepare for our Gathering May 19 2013

A great way to prepare for worship is to sing through these songs with your family and pray through the scriptures that we will be focusing on during our gathered time on Sunday. Call to Worship Calling our attention to God’s greatness and beauty we will sing...

Giving Regularly

“I want to give regularly, but I also want my giving to be more about worship than paying bills.  How do I do that?” After going through our Money series, I met with one of our members to talk about his walk with Jesus and reconnect.  In the conversation,...

Faithful Giving

We viewed this video this past Sunday during our sermon series on Money from 1 Timothy. Faithful Giving from Exodus Church on Vimeo.