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Sovereigns and Servants

I’ve been thinking recently about the source of conflict in our world and in our lives. What creates conflict around us? Why do we find ourselves in conflict with one another? Why is it that some people just grate on our nerves while others seem to get all the grace...

Everyday Church

It was just an ordinary Everyday for Peter. He and his brother, Andrew, are fishing when Jesus calls him to be a fisher of men and his Everyday is radically redefined. He’s one of Jesus’ closest disciples. He’s the spokesman—for good or ill. One moment he’s declaring...

Road Trip

Road trips with a family are always “fun.” Fun could be listening to the “he’s touching me” shouting match from the back seat or hearing your kids sing their favorite song from Charlotte to Greenville non-stop. Fun can look like kids getting car sick driving through...


I’m sitting with my son surrounded by strangers. I have very little in common with those around me apart from proximity and a hope that the Panthers win. There’s the loud woman behind me who had one too many before kickoff. There’s the guy down the row whose...