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Cosby Show and the Church

Recently my kids discovered The Cosby Show. Honestly, I feel a little guilty for taking this long to expose them to one of the best gifts of the 80s to American pop culture. We’ve watched seasons 1 and 2 and the kids love every episode. Dr. Cosby talked about...

The Most-Said Word in the Church

A guest post by Aaron Wilson… Do you know what the most frequently used word is in a Christian’s vocabulary?  It’s not what you’d first guess, a word like faith, hope or love.  In fact, even though it’s a word you’ll likely recite over 74,000 times in your life,...


A guest post by Jeremy LeFevers… This word has been thrown around my circle of influence since I was a babe. My dad was the pastor of several churches, my mom the epitome of the pastor’s wife, and my brother and I the perfect PKs. So, understandably, “calling”...

Dealing with Betrayal

This Sunday, we started a new series called Legacy.  In Genesis 37, we see Joseph betrayed by his brothers.  Sadly, this will not be the last time Joseph is betrayed by someone close to him.  In light of this, some thought on betrayal might be worth our time. ...

Does God Change His Mind?

A guest post by Bubba Hines In our study of Jonah, we see God speak of judging the Ninevites. When they repent, we see God’s mercy and grace abound as He withholds that judgment. This provides the opportunity to ask the question, “Does God change His mind?” If you...