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Stay Close

In 2008, we took our kids to Walt Disney World. We had a blast except for about 15 minutes that felt like 15 days. One afternoon, as we walked through Tomorrow Land, it started raining. We all put on our Disney ponchos, committed to enjoying our magical time despite...

Acts 29 Bootcamp

So, a week ago today we were tying up loose ends for the Raleigh Bootcamp—setting up tables, checking AV, praying—waiting to see what God would do in the lives entrusted to us for two days. What a joy to serve pastors and planters through events like this. I know that...

Adoption Stories Part 3

Our names are Heather and John McEntire.  We began to pursue becoming foster parents in November 2007 after a recent miscarriage.  When God began burdening our hearts toward foster care, we thought it was crazy.  We wondered with our grief so fresh why God wanted us...

Community: It’s hard to get it right…

The biblical value of community sometimes feels like eating Jello with a fork. I think I get bits of what it tastes like, but I leave a lot on the plate. Relationally, people try to do community and get it wrong. We try to encourage and it sounds canned. We try to...