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Women’s Bible Study

by | Feb 11, 2019 | Events, News

Starting February 18th, we invite you to take a journey together with other women in the book of Psalms.

Walking through six psalms over the course of the study, we will learn how to understand this book of songs and prayers in its context, and how the psalms relate to Christ as well as to believers today. As we work through the text in group discussion, teaching time, and weekly homework, we will be able to rejoice together in the beauty of these poetic expressions of truth.

Through our time together, we also hope to be equipped with tools for studying other books of the Bible.

This six-week study will be offered at two different times: Monday nights from 6:30-8:00, and Thursday mornings from 9:30-11. Childcare will be provided at both times, with advance registration. Cost for study materials is $10.

To celebrate our time together, we will host a social night on Monday, April 1st for all participants and any other women interested.

Sign up here:


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