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A guide to using the Acts Devotional Guide, Volume 2

by | Jan 19, 2016 | News

We’re several weeks into 2016 and several weeks into the Acts Devotional Guide, Volume 2. This is Exodus Church’s fifth devotional guide. There is a small team that labors hard over managing the project and finalizing each book and a much larger team that creates the content. So many people within both the Belmont and Northlake congregations have contributed to the devotional guides. They study the passage, comb through commentaries and references and notes, and pray for God to work through them as they write the weekly prayers and family devotionals.

Our devotional guides are written primarily for the use of our Exodus congregations, but we do make them available to a much wider audience. We designate a large number for the use of the inmates we serve through our prison ministry. We create electronic versions and make them available through the Exodus website, Amazon, and iBooks. Because of this, we do not include dates or congregation-specific information in the books.

To help you use the Acts Devotional Guide, Volume 2, we’d like to share the following instructions.

The guide is structured so that each section corresponds to a weekly sermon. The section includes five days of readings and prayers, two family devotionals to be done during the week, and pages for notes that you may want to write down during your study or during the sermon. Some weeks also include an article that tells about a ministry Exodus Church supports.

Each section is meant to be completed the week before the sermon. Like plowing the fields in anticipation of the rain, this is to help you prepare your heart and mind to hear God’s word. We’ve provided the following dates with the devotional guide titles and page numbers to help you stay on track.

January 17-23 — “Acts 15”, pp. 37-43, and the article on pp. 47-48 if you have the print version (Due to safety concerns, the article has been left out of all electronic versions.)

January 24-30 — “Acts 15:36-Acts 16”, pp. 49-55

January 31-February 6 — “Acts 17:1-15, pp. 59-66”, and the article on p. 69

February 7-13 — “Acts 17:16-34”, pp. 71-77

February 14-20 — “Acts 18:1-17”, pp. 81-86

February 21-27 — “Acts 18:24-Acts 19”, pp. 89-96, and the article on pp. 99-100

February 28-March 5 — “Acts 20”, pp. 101-107

March 6-12 — “Acts 21-23”, pp. 111-119

March 13-19 — “Acts 24-25”, pp. 123-130, and the article on pp. 133-134

March 20-26 — “Acts 26”, pp. 135-142

March 27-April 2 — “Acts 27-28”, pp. 145-153

The Acts Devotional Guide books, both Volume 1 and Volume 2 (as well as several of our past devotional books), are available in the white cabinet in the church lobby.

The Acts Devotional Guide, Volume 2 PDF is available at Acts Devotional Guide, Volume 2 (PDF)

The Kindle version is available at the Amazon Kindle store.

The iBooks version will be linked here once it has been accepted for publication.

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