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Prayers for Exodus

by | Dec 29, 2014 | Blog, Community, Mission, Prepare for Gathering, Redemption, Worship

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From the beginning of Exodus Church, our vision statement has been Exodus seeks to be a redeemed people who worship and serve God in the world. Our name and vision springs from the Exodus story found in the Old Testament. This story serves not just as a lesson from the past, but an amazing picture of what it means to be a redeemed people who worship and serve God in the world both in the present and into the future. Learning the lessons from this story shapes us and prepares us for our journey with the Redeemer.

From the Exodus story, we see ten lessons from a redeemed people who were freed to worship and serve God in the world. We see a redeemed people walking this journey of faith with the God who delivered them. We watch as they get to know the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We see them grow and learn to trust Him…sometimes. We get to see God take care of them, even though they were never satisfied. Watching them walk with God gives us lessons to learn and prayers to pray as we live as a redeemed people who worship and serve God in the world.

These prayers for Exodus are that we would:

These lessons from the past shape our present and will guide our future as those who are redeemed and as Exodus Church. Our hope for this series is that we would learn these lessons so that we might pray these prayers as long as Jesus gives us life.


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