At the Gospel Romance Conference, I shared a little about the life and story of Robertson McQuilkin. His life of glad sacrifice and surrender gives us a picture of Christ’s Love for His Bride. Robertson would be the first to tell you that he is not a perfect reflection. However, his story of care for his wife is moving.
The following are some articles that will help you get a sense of this man’s story. I pray that he encourages you to be more like Jesus.
- This is a video of his resignation speech from CIU.
- Living by Vows is an article about the story.
- Muriel’s Blessing is an article written by McQuilkin. He gets very honest about the real struggle of the path he chose.
- Greiving with Gratitude is an article he wrote after Muriel’s Death.
- The Gradual Grief of Alzheimer’s is an article written answering questions about dealing with both the disease and his decision to care for his wife.
- All of these and more stories are contained in the book by McQuilkin – A Promise Kept.
Again, His story has greatly stirred me to think long term about our marriage and our call to love one another til death do us part. I was reminded that even today as I celebrate 18 years with my wife, we still have such a long life to live together (Lord Willing). I want to love her more decades from now than I do today.