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Praying for Echelon

by | Jul 23, 2013 | News

For some time, Exodus has been partnering with Echelon: Africa through prayer and financial assistance with the goal of increasing our physical presence with them as soon as possible.  Echelon is a church planting team centered in the north east corner of Uganda with the goal of planting churches among the Karamajong, Dinka, Nuer and Jur peoples.  We believe that there are blood bought people in each of these people groups and we want to pray that the gospel would work powerfully in them to bring many to saving faith in Jesus Christ.

After talking with Bobby Lane, Here are some ways that we can be praying for them now.

  • Team meetings happening this week in order to plan for the next 6 months
  • Pray for homes being built in S. Sudan
  • Pray for personnel needed to complete the tasks
  • Pray for Logistics for two teams already on the ground.

The website has resources to help us remember to pray.  Please print off prayer cards or use the desktop wallpaper to help you remember to pray.

Follow them on Twitter – @echelonafrica

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