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Three Things for Exodus

by | Apr 11, 2013 | News

I hope that you are aware of how blessed we are as a church.  Hearing from David Keen last Sunday while being led in worship by Jeremy LeFevers and the team reminded me of how blessed we are and the level of gratitude that should erupt from our hearts for God’s grace toward us.  If you were blessed by their service to Jesus, send them a note of encouragement to let them know.  That would honor them.

Thank you for being part of what God is doing at Exodus.  We are blessed to be family together.

Here are three things I want you to know…

Two things from the Blog

  • A Culture of Honoring – I hope you will read and internalize this blog post.  We want this culture of gospel centered honoring to permeate the culture of our church.
  • Special Guest:  Elliot Grudem – It’s hard to express how excited I am to have Elliot with us on Sunday.  I hope you will join me in praying for this time as we continue our House Rules Series.

Two Things for Next Week

  • Quarterly Report – Be watching the Blog next week to see what God has done at Exodus in just the first quarter of 2013.  We have much to be grateful for.
  • Money:  New Mini-Series in House Rules – As we wrap up House Rules, we’ll be looking at what 1 Timothy says about how we work for, handle and view the money God has graciously provided.  This series is going to be life changing for all of us.  Join us.  More info on the Blog next week.

One more thing…

Nathan and Casey have been away at a conference this week getting some needed rest, encouragement and nourishment in God’s Word.  One expression of a culture of honoring would be for you to drop them a message to tell them that they have been missed and that you are grateful for their life and ministry in our church. Take a moment to do that…

I’m grateful to serve as one of your pastors.  Thanks for making it a joy.

Brian Lowe
Lead Pastor

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