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Guest: Elliot Grudem

by | Apr 10, 2013 | News

On Sunday, Elliot Grudem will be preaching from 1 Timothy 5:17-24 in our House Rules series.  His topic will be “Honoring Leaders”.  I asked Elliot to preach this passage for two reasons.  First, Elliot loves Jesus and the Church.  We can be certain that the gospel of Jesus Christ will remain central as he preaches this passage.  He also loves the church and has committed his life toward seeing her thrive.    Second, Elliot loves pastors and know what it means to honor them appropriately.  His experience and insight will help us apply this passage well to our context as we seek to be a church that holds up Jesus so that He can be seen and savored.

Exodus, we are fortunate to have Elliot with us on Sunday.  I hope that you will come expectant and ready to hear from God as we gather for worship.


Elliot serves as the Lead Pastor for Leadership Development and Church Planting for Vintage Church in Raleigh, NC.  Prior to joining Vintage staff, Elliot served as director of the Acts 29 Network and a pastor at Mars Hill Church (Seattle). He also served as senior minister at Christ the King Presbyterian Church, a church he replanted in Raleigh. In addition, Elliot has experience in urban ministry and a Fortune 100 business. He is the editor of Christian Beliefs, a book he completed with his father Wayne Grudem. Elliot holds degrees from Miami University (BA, History and English) and Reformed Theological Seminary (M.Div.). He and his wife Kacey have been married for over 16 years and have one daughter.

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