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Exodus Happenings, March 4, 2013

by | Mar 4, 2013 | Events

Here’s what’s happening at Exodus…

Exodus Kids workers still needed!

Sunday, March 3, we had the most kids ever in Exodus Kids at 9:00–58! That’s why we need you. Our numbers are growing, and will continue to do so. The new rotation of Exodus Kids’ has begun and we still need the following workers:

  • 2 in the infant room at 9:00
  • 1 in the infant room at 11:00

If these spots don’t get filled with regular teachers, the alternative is to use subs and parents to cover. The result is that the kids don’t get the consistency that they need from week to week. PLEASE pray about how you might be able to help, and contact Heather Phillips  if you can fill one of these needs.

Easter Invite Cards

Easter invite cards will be mailed to the surrounding community over the next couple of weeks. Pray that they get into the hands of people who need to hear the Gospel and to find a church home. We’d love to have the new space full on Easter Sunday!

Easter Offering for Church Planting

Now through Easter we will be receiving a special offering for church planting. To support this important work, mark your gift accordingly as you place it in the offering box.

Exodus Women’s Retreat

The registration deadline for the women’s retreat (April 19-20 at Look-up Lodge) is March 17. Click here to register. There will be an informational meeting for all who plan to attend the retreat on Sunday, March 24 at 3:00 p.m. at the 101 South Main building. This meeting will cover final details like small groups, carpooling, etc. Dana LeFevers is your contact for any questions.

Praying for a new home

Over the next several weeks, we continue to make praying for a new home for Exodus a priority. Even though the 101 South Main space will give us some breathing room, we continue to pray and seek a permanent home. There are still some dates available to sign up to fast and pray for this need. Click here to sign up. Thank you all for praying!

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