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Deacons who are Family Men

by | Feb 26, 2013 | News

In addition to the other qualifications for deacons in vv. 8-10, the following qualifications are given to those deacons who are married and to those who have children.  Both of these qualifications speak to the importance of a married man’s leadership in his home.  This doesn’t mean that a deacon must be married and have children.  It just means that if they are, they have to meet these qualifications as well as those in vv. 8-10.

One-woman man

A Deacon must be a faithful man – whether married or single.  However, this seems to be specifically speaking to those male deacons who are married.  He is to be a one-woman man.  This qualification does not bar divorced men from serving as deacons.  However, there is a deeper testing for a divorced man in order to discern the reasons for divorce.  Faithfulness in marriage is a necessity for deacons.

Manages his home well

Again, this qualification doesn’t mean that a male deacon must have children in order to be a deacon.  However, if he does have children, they must be managed well.  His children must respect and submit to his leadership if he is to serve as a deacon.

For more info, read the position paper or other posts.

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