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The Story of the Snake Crusher Devotional Guide

by | Jan 3, 2017 | News

This week Exodus Church is embarking on a journey through the Bible.

We will follow the story of the Snake Crusher as he battles and triumphs over the Evil One. We will see him from the beginning of creation, the one who is promised, the one who leads and sacrifices and takes our place, and ultimately as the one who returns to finally bring us home.

The Story of the Snake Crusher Devotional Guide is designed to help prepare your heart and mind before the sermon each week.

  • Five daily scripture readings and prayers are provided as a guide for you to become grounded in the Biblical story.
  • Study questions follow that will help you dig deeper. You can answer these throughout the week or use them as an end of week challenge.
  • Artwork has been created for you to color while you pray and meditate on what God is showing you.
  • Notes pages are provided for you to jot down your thoughts, ideas, prayers, quotes, or to create a drawing of your own.

Sharing in the journey is an important aspect of community and we have included a feature in this devotional guide to make it a more interactive experience. On each week’s artwork, you’ll find a hashtag, for example, #snakecrusherweek1. Please use each week’s associated hashtag if you share your colored art or your thoughts from the devotional on social media. You can then search using the hashtag to see what others are learning and creating.

This week you will begin your preparation for the journey. If you haven’t had a chance to get started yet, go and open your devotional guide and read the Introduction, then continue with Week 1, Day 1.

The books are available in the foyer
you can download the PDF here.

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