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Asher Ammons

by | Jan 7, 2020 | Blog, News

It is with deep sadness that we announce the death of Asher Ammons. Asher was 9-years-old and he and his family have long been an important part of Exodus Church. Today he fell asleep in the presence of his family and woke up in the arms of his Heavenly Father.

We rejoice with his family that Asher is healed and whole, that the brain tumor that took his physical abilities and his life is not the whole story. It was only one short chapter and the rest of the unending book will be filled with a wonder and joy that we can only imagine here.

We grieve with his family that Asher’s cancer caused him so much pain and frustration this past year and that his healing took him to heaven so much sooner than we would have wanted, separating us from his daily presence, his infectious laughter, and his earnest spirit.

Continue to pray for Asher’s parents, David and Leah, and his little sister Annelise. We ask that communications for the Ammons go through the church so that we can be respectful of their time and attention. If you have any words of condolence, please post them to the Caring Bridge website or the McLean obituary website. Please send any cards to the church.

     Exodus Church
PO Box 126
Belmont, NC 28012



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